Saturday, November 22, 2008

Change can be a good thing

So yesterday was my last day on old route and I thought it would be nice to bring in a cake. As i was baking my very famous chocolate cake my sister asked why I was making a cake for people that don't like me, (see I am the only Republican in our little corner and am not afraid to speak my mind) I told her that I was trying to be nice. I got up extra early to bake it in the morning so that it would still be warm and set off for the day. One of the carriers we will call him Fred because that is not his name. He was in the middle of his morning rant making fun of anyone and everyone when i handed him a piece of the best cake in the world and he took a bite and started to sputter. He looks at me and said, " I actually forgot what I was saying this is the best cake ever." It was very funny. I was starting to think to myself wow I should have brought a cake the first day then maybe things would have been different. Other people for our station that do like me all commented about how good it was and how they would miss me yada yada ya. The only other girl from my little corner we shall call her Missy because that is not her name either, actually said out loud what i had be thinking. She said had I brought a cake in, in the beginning it might have been different and they might have liked me better. I could not believe it. So there ended my days and the not liked very much station.

But good news I am very liked at my new station. And I did not even bring a cake (but i have in the past). My new station is smaller over all but more rural routes. I was kinda bummed about giving up a route in an area where I see lot of wildlife for my new route that is more city. But all went well, and while I was on my route I saw a moose calf and a moose cow it was pretty cool and seeing how it was in the middle of a neighborhood I got to see it more than once. Sorry my cell phone doesn't download to the computer so I don't have any pictures sorry. All in all a new day at a new route is way better than what I have been dealing with.

well I should go feed the fam so until next time

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